Maubis App 应用

Scarlet Notes 7.5.4
Maubis App
Scarlet (previously Material Notes) offers a simple no hassleinterface for adding notes in a beautiful material design. ☞Offline by Default: Don't like companies storing your data, noproblem this note app can be used offline. ☞ Optional Cloud Sync:Optionally sync notes accross devices. ☞ Rich Note Input: Add richnotes - lists, headings, quotes and more. ☞ Tags: Add tags to yournotes and find them easily ☞ Markdown Support: The text elementshave markdown support ☞ Choice of Grid / List layouts ☞ Simple UX:Simplistic and straight forward UI. ☞ Archived, Favourites, andmore ☞ Set color to your notes ☞ Night Mode: view notes in nightmode, for your eyes and screens ☞ Lock Notes: lock the notes with apincode ☞ Reminders: Add reminders for your notes ☞ Power Search:Powerful and smooth search experience within app ☞ Ad Free: Now andalways ad-free. ☞ Floating Heads: Quickly take notes while doingother stuff. ☞ Pinning and Sorting Notes ☞ Widget Support ☞ OpenSource Project: Part of an open source project. Feel free tocontribute to the project at
Clipboard Manager : Clipo 13.5.0
Maubis App
Clipo creates quick and smart actions for your copied text andshows them as a notification or a intuitive and beautiful list inthe app! 👍 No Ads, No Freemium Stuff! Free Clipboard made for you!If you would like a few bonus features and support us... Try ourClipo Pro. 👍 See all your clips, in a clean and intuitivematerially designed list! You can quickly copy an older clip to theClipboard for using! 👍 Search: Get a quick action to search thecopied text on the search engine of your choice - Google, Bing,Baidu, AOL, DuckDuckGo! 👍 Call: Filters your clips and detectsphone numbers to give you a one tap to call experience! 👍 Add toContacts: Filter phone numbers and quickly add to contacts! 👍 OpenLink: Quickly open a link in your clip! 👍 Shorten Link: Quicklyshorten a url and get it to share quickly! 👍 Email: Detect emailsand get a tap to write email action! 👍 QR Code: Convert text to QRcode instantly with one tap and share it to your friends! 👍 Define:Quickly get meanings to words you copy! Get notification for thedefinition and also inside app anytime! 👍 Speak Out: Speak out theword you copied with one tap! 👍 Translate: One tap to translate thetext you copied to the language of your choice! 👍 Export: Export toSD Card 👍 Export/Import/Backup: Backup and Import your clips! 👍Cloud Backup and Sync across multiple devices! Access your clips onany device on our website More Features:👍 Title: Set a title to your clips 👍 Tags: Set tags to your clips!👍 Get a floating bubble when you copy text! 👍 Mark Clips asfavorites, archive them for later! 👍 Select your notificationbackground from a wide variety of colors! 👍 Timeout andautomatically remove notifications Fully controlled notificationbehavior, so you can customize to your choosing! It is comparableto other Clipboard apps like Clipboard Actions, Clipboard Manager,etc, but provides a intuitive, clean and robust interface for youto feel comfortable with! We are expanding the app quickly to makeit better and more useful! This is a project for all of us! We keepadding new features, and on request! Please give us 5 stars andrequest for something cool, which will make this app better foryou! Download the free Clipboard for android now, and support us!It's the only Clipboard Manager you'll ever need!
Scarlet Notes Pro 7.5.4-pro
Maubis App
Scarlet Pro (previously Material Notes Pro) offers a simplenohassle interface for adding notes in a beautiful material design.☞Offline by Default: Don't like companies storing your data,noproblem this note app can be used offline. ☞ Optional CloudSync:Optionally sync notes accross devices. ☞ Rich Note Input: Addrichnotes - lists, headings, quotes and more. ☞ Tags: Add tags toyournotes and find them easily ☞ Markdown Support: The textelementshave markdown support ☞ Choice of Grid / List layouts ☞Simple UX:Simplistic and straight forward UI. ☞ Archived,Favourites, andmore ☞ Set color to your notes ☞ Night Mode: viewnotes in nightmode, for your eyes and screens ☞ Lock Notes: lockthe notes with apincode ☞ Reminders: Add reminders for your notes ☞DistractionFree Mode: Read notes in a distraction free mode ☞ PowerSearch:Powerful and smooth search experience within app ☞ Ad Free:Now andalways ad-free. ☞ Floating Heads: Quickly take notes whiledoingother stuff. ☞ Widget Support ☞ Open Source Project: Part ofanopen source project. Feel free to contribute to the projectat
Clipboard Manager : Clipo Pro 13.5.0-pro
Maubis App
Clipo creates quick and smart actions for your copied text andshowsthem as a notification or a intuitive and beautiful list inthe app👍 Cloud Backup and Sync across multiple devices! Accessyour clipson any device on our website 👍See allyour clips, in a clean and intuitive materially designedlist! Youcan quickly copy an older clip to the Clipboard forusing! 👍 Search:Get a quick action to search the copied text onthe search engine ofyour choice - Google, Bing, Baidu, AOL,DuckDuckGo! 👍 Call: Filtersyour clips and detects phone numbers togive you a one tap to callexperience! 👍 Add to Contacts: Filterphone numbers and quickly addto contacts! 👍 Open Link: Quicklyopen a link in your clip! 👍Shorten Link: Quickly shorten a url andget it to share quickly! 👍Email: Detect emails and get a tap towrite email action! 👍 QR Code:Convert text to QR code instantlywith one tap and share it to yourfriends! 👍 Define: Quickly getmeanings to words you copy! Getnotification for the definition andalso inside app anytime! 👍 SpeakOut: Speak out the word you copiedwith one tap! 👍 Translate: Onetap to translate the text you copiedto the language of your choice!👍 Export: Export to SD Card 👍Export/Import/Backup: Backup andImport your clips! More Features:👍 Title: Set a title to your clips👍 Tags: Set tags to your clips!👍 Get a floating bubble when youcopy text! 👍 Mark Clips asfavorites, archive them for later! 👍Select your notificationbackground from a wide variety of colors! 👍Timeout andautomatically remove notifications Why Pro? 👍 ExtraFeatures : AppTheme selection, Floating Panels etc. 👍 Support Clipodevelopment!(Cloud costs us to maintain) 👍 Early access to newfeatures (Newreleases ship first) 👍 Higher Priority to suggestions(We focus tofix bugs and add suggestions first) Fully controllednotificationbehavior, so you can customize to your choosing! It iscomparableto other Clipboard apps like Clipboard Actions, ClipboardManager,etc, but provides a intuitive, clean and robust interfacefor youto feel comfortable with! We are expanding the app quicklyto makeit better and more useful! This is a project for all of us!We keepadding new features, and on request! Please give us 5 starsandrequest for something cool, which will make this app betterforyou! Download the free Clipboard for android now, and supportus!It's the only Clipboard Manager you'll ever need!